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Emondage Leclerc


Trimming - Pruning

Pruning consist in cutting dead branches or interferences. An interference is a branch that touches another one or a branch that is too close to electric wires or buildings

Pruning is also done to clear a tree that has too many branches. A tree with too many branches can be harmful to its environment. Other trees, plants and flowers around it won't have enough sunshine. If there are strong winds or heavy rain, the branches can break easily and the wind could even break the top of the tree.

We use cables and ladders to do the pruning. We do not use spurs because they could damage the tree and the rain and insects could penetrate into it.

Contact Us


  • 613-558-7758 (Charles)


  • 215 Denis
  • Cantley, Qc, J8V 2W9